What is Mid Brain Activity? Is it a Trick? Is it a Magic? No it’s not a Trick neither Magic…
It is truly a Scientific Method. It is also called Blind Fold Activity, which includes :
- Recognize Colors / Numbers / Shapes
- Reading Newspapers & Books
- Recognize Currency Notes and Serial Notes
- Doing Sums or Drawing
A child can get benefit of Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) on an enrollment / Registration.
Our DMIT test guaranteed you 100%
What is Mid Brain Activity? It is a developing a Sixth sense in a child.
Mid Brain activated children can do everything blind folded.
For Mid Brain Activity enrollment a child’s minimum age must be 5 years to 15 years.
Every Saturday we have a new batch of Mid Brain Activity. For more details contact our near KCG Centres.
Mid Brain ActivityMid Brain Activity is necessary for developing Sixth Sense in each child.