General Knowledge - Communication Skills - Games
General knowledge defines that current affairs questions and frequently asked GK questions about our surroundings which will increase our IQ level.
Communication Skills defines such as children develop like to do their interpersonal and social skills, around siblings and peers children learn to share and also to be assertive and persuasive.
As children learn language they learn how to communicate in Socially, personally, emotionally. On the same way relatively younger children know how to communicate differently to different people – parents, siblings, grandparents, teachers and other people in different way.
Games defines that learning Games for Kids is an education is a part of life. It should be fun and challenging , not boring. Learn while you play games, animal games, art games
With lots of studies burden of a child there should be recreational things in routine activity. For this purpose they can be play Games or Communicate with friends or relatives or Reading Books for gathering General Knowledge.